Bluetooth works for me in Ubuntu 10.10 on the NB200 after a little tweaking.
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1) I downloaded and installed the omnibook-source package from here
2)Edit the source code to fix a pesky error:
cd /usr/src/
sudo tar xjf omnibook.tar.bz2
cd modules/omnibook/
sudo nano init.c
hit ctrl-w and search for this:
proc_entry->owner = THIS_MODULE;
when you get to that line add two // in front of it and make sure it look like this:
// proc_entry->owner = THIS_MODULE;
ctrl-o ctrl-x to save the file
3) compile and install the fixed source code
sudo m-a build omnibook-source -O
sudo m-a install omnibook-source
4) test it out. You should see a bluetooth icon appear in your system tray.
sudo modprobe omnibook ectype=12
entering the hciconfig command in the terminal should return some info, something like this if it’s been detected:
$ hciconfig
hci0: Type: USB
BD Address: 00:22:58:F3:46:F9 ACL MTU: 310:10 SCO MTU: 64:8
RX bytes:1035 acl:0 sco:0 events:41 errors:0
TX bytes:1370 acl:0 sco:0 commands:37 errors:0
5) Now make it run upon booting your netbook:
sudo nano /etc/modules
add this line and save the file
sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/omnibook.conf
add this line:
options omnibook ectype=12
save the file. Now when you reboot, the bluetooth icon should show that it is running.
6) after sleep or hibernate if it doesn’t reappear, you can reactivate it
by running in the terminal:
sudo rmmod -f omnibook && sudo modprobe omnibook ectype=12
You should see the bluetooth icon reappear. However you’ll want to make this automatic so create a file that restarts bluetooth, like this:
sudo nano /etc/pm/power.d/89bluetooth
and put this in:
rmmod -f omnibook
modprobe omnibook ectype=12
Save the file and change the permissions so it can be run
sudo chmod +x /etc/pm/power.d/89bluetooth
Now after sleep and resume, you should see the bluetooth icon reload in the system tray.
Re: Setup Guide:- Toshiba Dynabook UX/ NB200 / NB205
Is there any way to disable and enable the wifi without having to go into the BIOS? it'd be helpful in saving battery life.
echo 0 > /proc/omnibook/bluetooth
echo 0 > /proc/omnibook/wifi
echo 1 > /proc/omnibook/bluetooth
echo 1 > /proc/omnibook/wifi
Originally Posted by Leesa
Bluetooth is working with omnibook module:
1. Get sources from
2. Make sure Bluetooth is enabled in Windows
3. sudo apt-get install module-assistant build-essential
4. sudo m-a a-i omnibook-source
5. Try it: sudo modprobe omnibook ectype=14
6. Make it autoload:
• sudo nano /etc/modules
• Put "omnibook" at the latest line
• sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/omnibook.conf:
options omnibook ectype=14 userset=0 lcd=0 display=0 blank=0 battery=0 ac=0 bluetooth=1
Works fine for my NB200, even enabling/disabling bluetooth via /proc/omnibook/bluetooth
You should use ectype=12 instead of ectype=14.
That way you can enable or disable wifi without needing to boot Windows.
Unfortunately, the hotkeys don't work, so you have to manually echo either 1 or 0 to /proc/omnibook/wifi (or if you prefer, just disable it in the bios when you want to be sure it is disabled).
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